My friend, Hallel, and I were having a lovely time eating the ice cream the kids didn't want, sitting in the living room and talking while our girls played in the playroom. Donnie comes home says hi and goes back to talk to the girls. He comes back in the living room very amused and says, "yall have not been paying any attention to the girls have you?" We sheepishly asked why. We followed him to their bedroom where our two precious girls sat BUTT NAKED AND PAINTING THEIR TOENAILS. Their reactions when busted. Lydia simply held up her feet and announced she was very pretty and Bailey held up a bottle of nail polish and asked if she could have some for Christmas.
"Bailey, why did you take off your clothes", now there's a sentence that strikes terror into the hearts of moms everywhere. I have yet to receive an answer to this question.
Hallel said it best, "if I can just keep her off the pole...".
Ice cream with strawberry topping, girl talk, naked nail painting...who said christians are boring.
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