Well, a turning point in my life came Friday. The baseline mammogram. I had thought about all the funny things I could write about this experience--that is, until I spoke to the technician. Apparently, there is a huge population out there who has been scared to death by horror stories of mammograms. One lady even commented that she would rather have cancer than have a mammogram. WHAT?? Obviously, this lady has never watched a loved one die of that wretched disease. So I have decided to take a stand on this issue.
To all my female loved ones out there and any woman reading this. There is no reason what so ever NOT to get your mammogram. Yes, it is uncomfortable, but honestly, here is a list of things that hurt a lot more: my last massage, giving birth, heel spurs, migraines, running into the corner of desk, getting stung by a bee, and grabbing a hot pan out the oven without a pot holder. Ladies, we bear all sorts of pain all the time, so why on earth would we choose to skip a test that only last seconds and could save our lives just because you are scared of pain.
Megan--guess where I am taking you for your 40th birthday.....
I'm totally with you. I'm such a phobe that I asked my doc last time if I should start getting them. She said to just keep up on the self-exams.
And not just having to watch people die of cancer, but breast cancer is curable - sometimes and there are always sacrifices. A friend of mine's sister was diagnosed last year and she was fine after surgery - they caught it early. However, she lost the breast. She'll have reconstructive surgery on it but I'll spare you the gory details of how they handled the drainage after the surgery...
Ahhh, my dear cousin. I had one of those things when I was 16 b/c I had found a small lump. If I had known you were going to have one I could have recommended a couple of exercises to prepare. Number one, lay face down on a cold garage floor and have your husband back up onto one breast and then the other. Another option is to open the freezer door and slam it has hard as you can on each breast. In all seriousness, kudos to you for having it done. Mine turned out fine and I plan on having anohter one in about 21/2 years. This time when I am preparing I am going have to figure out how to get the helium back into those babies...figuratively speaking.
love you,
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